Bart Limburg

Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry
University of Barcelona | Section of Organic Chemistry
Carrer Martí i Franquès 1, Room 526A, 5th floor, 08028 Barcelona
ORCID - Google Scholar - Researchgate
Bart studied Chemistry at Leiden University, The Netherlands. He obtained his MSc degree (cum laude) in 2011 and continued for his PhD degree (2015) on the topic of photocatalytic redox reactions at the surface of liposomes under supervision of Prof. Sylvestre Bonnet. He then continued at the same university as a postdoctoral researcher studying catalytic biomass conversion for the green synthesis of nylon-6 under supervision of Prof. Eite Drent and Prof. Elisabeth Bouwman. Afterwards, he moved to the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, where he studied how electrons flow through single molecules under supervision of Prof. Harry Anderson. For this, he synthesized porphyrin oligomers with promising electronic structures. With funding of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, he thereafter moved to ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain where he worked on metallaphotoredox catalysis in the group of Prof. Arjan Kleij. Since october 2022, Bart is part of the Organic Chemistry Section of the University of Barcelona, currently as an Associate Professor. Bart studies photochemistry and catalysis combined with supramolecular chemistry. His research interests include fundamental understanding of photocatalytic reaction mechanisms, energy conversion, and photo-reactive nanomaterials with emergent properties. He is part of the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (IQTC).
In his free time, Bart enjoys playing the guitar, music production, and DIY-projects involving electronics/3d printing.