Join us!

Applications for our group are always welcome from students (TFG, TFM, Erasmus), PhD and Postdoctoral candidates. If you are interested in joining, please send an email to Bart with a motivation letter and cv. Our activities range from photochemistry to supramolecular chemistry, from organic synthesis to spectroscopy. We are interested in Photocatalysis, Coordination Chemistry, Supramolecular and Nanoscale Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Mechanistic Elucidation, and Organic and Molecular Electronics. Our research projects therefore bridge the common divides in chemistry and contain elements from the traditional fields of Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry.

Prospective PhD and Postdoc candidates are encouraged to discuss the possibility of joining our lab supported by their own personal grants. Please contact Bart if you are interested in applying for a grant with the Limburg Lab as a host. Below are some examples of opportunities, the list is not exhaustive and other opportunities are equally welcomed.


Postdoc position (1 year + possible extensions up to 3 years) in Supramolecular Photochemistry

The Limburglab is looking to fill a postdoctoral position in Physical Organic Chemistry with heavy components of Organic Synthesis, Supramolecular Chemistry and Spectroscopy, with a flexible starting date. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis before the official position will open in the coming months!

Closing date: 01 June 2025