Limburg Lab
Nature performs selective chemistry in complex mixtures, and so can we! By studying complex systems we can advance chemistry in the areas of synthesis, energy transition, and nanoscale materials.
We use light as a versatile physical input and/or output to drive intricate chemical reactions and to develop a deep understanding of complex systems.


Welcome to the group website of the Limburg Lab: Supramolecular Photochemistry and Catalysis (SPC). We are a young research group at the University of Barcelona started in October 2022. We study photochemistry and apply it in synthesis, energy transition and nanoscale materials. We are interested in Photocatalysis, Coordination Chemistry, Supramolecular and Nanoscale Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Mechanistic Elucidation, and Organic and Molecular Electronics. Our research projects therefore bridge the common divides in chemistry and contain elements from the traditional fields of Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. Our current research projects include:

  • Synthetic Neurons and Artificial Photoactivated Synapses (ERC-StG).
  • Novel Cobalt-Organophotoredox Catalytic Reactions.
  • Photocatalyst Design for Enhanced Quantum Yields in Synthesis and Energy production (Researcher Consolidation Project).
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Postdoc position (1 year + possible extensions up to 3 years) in Supramolecular Photochemistry

The Limburglab is looking to fill a postdoctoral position in Physical Organic Chemistry with heavy components of Organic Synthesis, Supramolecular Chemistry and Spectroscopy, with a flexible starting date. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis before the official position will open in the coming months!

Closing date: 01 June 2025


Two new group members have joined us: Oscar is back for his TFM, and Patrick is joining us for an Erasmus internship from the TU Dublin. Welcome!

A warm welcome to Igor, the first postdoc in our group!

Today we welcome Arnau back, now as a PhD student on the SYNAPS project. Best of luck, Arnau!

Congratulations Arnau with finishing and obtaining a great result for the Final Master Project (9.7/10)!

David expertly defended his TFG today. Congratulations, David! We wish you all the best in the Master next year!

Arnau wins the Chemistry Master Poster prize Our Master student Arnau has won a prize for his poster at the Masterquímica 2024 poster session! Congratulations, Arnau!

Today is Yaiza's first day as a PhD student. She'll work on the PHOTOGENIC project to develop new photocatalysts with improved properties for metallaphotoredox catalytic reactions. Welcome, Yaiza!

Welcome, David, to our group! We wish you all the best with your TFG project on the PHOTOGENIC project!

Welcome back Arnau, now for a TFM! Hope the porphyrins will treat you well.

Goodbye to Zhou. All the best for the last steps in your Master, and for your future PhD position!

Latest Publications

An Extension of the Stern–Volmer Equation for Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) Photocatalysts

Bart Limburg

J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15, 10495-10499

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Connections to the Electrodes Control the Transport Mechanism in Single‐Molecule Transistors

Zhixin Chen, Steffen Woltering, Bart Limburg, Ming-Yee Tsang, Jonathan Baugh, Andrew Briggs, Jan Mol, Harry Anderson, James Thomas

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, , e202401323

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Charge-State Dependent Vibrational Relaxation in a Single-Molecule Junction

Xinya Bian, Zhixin Chen, Jakub K. Sowa, Charalambos Evangeli, Bart Limburg, Jacob L. Swett, Jonathan Baugh, G. Andrew D. Briggs, Harry L. Anderson, Jan A. Mol, James O. Thomas

Phys. Rev. Lett. 2022, 129, 207702

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